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Side hustles that can turn into full-time careers

  • November 27 2023
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Side hustles that can turn into full-time careers

By Nicole Comendador
November 27 2023

In the age of the gig economy, the traditional 9-to-5 workday is no longer the only pathway to success.

Side hustles that can turn into full-time careers

In the age of the gig economy, the traditional 9-to-5 workday is no longer the only pathway to success.

Australians are increasingly turning their passions into paychecks by delving into side hustles. What starts as a part-time project or a hobby can often blossom into a full-time career, offering not just income but also the flexibility and personal satisfaction many workers crave.

Let’s explore some side hustles that have the potential to grow into flourishing full-time careers.

Side hustles that can turn into full-time careers

Freelance writing and content creation

The digital era has created a voracious demand for content. Skilled writers and content creators can find opportunities in blogging, copywriting, and social media management.


With a knack for words and an understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), one can start by taking on small freelance assignments.

side hustles that can turn into full time careers

Over time, building a strong portfolio and client base can lead to a lucrative full-time career, especially in niche markets that command specialised knowledge.

E-commerce and online retail

The world of online retail has exploded, with platforms like eBay, Etsy, and Shopify simplifying the process of setting up an online shop. Australians with an eye for market trends or a crafty hand can start small, using these platforms to sell products.

With the right product, marketing strategy, and customer service, this side hustle has the potential to become a thriving online business, with some entrepreneurs eventually expanding into brick-and-mortar stores.

Personal fitness training and wellness coaching

Health and wellness have become a priority for many, and this sector shows no signs of slowing down. If you have expertise and a passion for fitness, personal training can be an excellent side hustle.

Starting with a few clients can eventually lead to more referrals, and before you know it, you could be running your own fitness studio. Additionally, wellness coaching, which focuses on holistic health, is another avenue that has seen substantial growth.

Photography and videography

Photography and videography are highly versatile side hustles. Whether it’s weddings, corporate events, or portrait sessions, there’s always demand.

By building a strong portfolio and networking, this side hustle can become a full-fledged media production business. With the rise of digital marketing, the addition of drone photography and virtual tours can further expand your services.

Consulting and coaching

Professionals with experience in a specific industry can offer their expertise as consultants or coaches. Whether it’s business strategy, life coaching, or IT consulting, leveraging your professional network to find your first clients can set the foundation for a sustainable practice.

With the advent of remote work, consulting services can be offered to clients globally, significantly expanding the potential market.

App development and web design

For those with a technical bent, app development and web design can start as freelance projects and evolve into a full-time tech venture. With every business needing an online presence, skilled developers and designers are in high demand.

Starting with small projects can help you refine your skills, and as you build a reputation for quality work, larger projects and possibly even equity in start-ups could come your way.

Handmade crafts and artwork

Australia has a rich culture of art and craft, and platforms like Etsy have provided artisans with a global marketplace.

Whether it’s jewellery, home decor, or original artwork, turning a creative hobby into a business has never been easier. As your brand grows and you streamline your production, this artistic pursuit can become a significant source of income.

Tips for turning your side hustle into a career

  1. Begin with manageable goals, but always have a vision for where you want to go.
  2. Connect with others in your field and related fields to learn, find clients, and grow your presence.
  3. Create a consistent brand across all your platforms to become easily identifiable and professional.
  4. Markets change and new technologies emerge – adapt your business to stay ahead.
  5. Use your initial earnings to improve and expand your services or products.


Side hustles offer a unique pathway to entrepreneurship. They allow individuals to test the waters of self-employment with relatively low risk and investment.

For many Australians, what begins as a way to earn a bit of extra cash can, with hard work and strategic planning, turn into a rewarding and profitable career.

So, if you have a passion or a skill currently on the sidelines, perhaps it’s time to consider how it might take centre stage in your professional life.

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