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The psychology of saving: How to train your brain to cut expenses

  • December 14 2023
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The psychology of saving: How to train your brain to cut expenses

By Nicole Comendador
December 14 2023

Saving money is more than just a practical financial strategy; it’s a mindset that requires discipline and a reorientation of one’s approach to spending and savings.

The psychology of saving: How to train your brain to cut expenses

Saving money is more than just a practical financial strategy; it’s a mindset that requires discipline and a reorientation of one’s approach to spending and savings.

The psychology of saving: How to train your brain to cut expenses

This article explores how to train your brain to become more effective at saving by understanding the psychology behind it and implementing practical strategies to cut expenses.

Understanding the psychology of saving

The work of Richard Thaler, a Nobel Prize-winning behavioural economist, underscores the importance of understanding the psychological aspects of saving and spending.

His research in nudge economics highlights how simple behavioural changes can lead to better financial habits. Thaler’s work shows that our natural inclinations, such as succumbing to short-term temptations, can undermine our long-term saving goals.


Thaler’s concept of mental accounting reveals how people tend to compartmentalise financial decisions, often focusing on the immediate effects rather than the overall impact.

The psychology of saving: How to train your brain to cut expenses

For instance, if the price of an item drops, the savings are often spent on upgrading to a more expensive version of the same item, rather than being saved. This highlights the need for a holistic view of our finances.

Practical strategies to train your brain for saving

1. Shop with discounted gift cards

Utilise online platforms that offer discounted gift cards for various retailers. This can lead to direct savings on purchases.

2. Avoid credit card debt

Be cautious with credit card usage, especially if you cannot pay the full amount when due. Credit card debt can quickly accumulate due to high interest rates and can significantly impact your ability to save.

3. Research loan terms

Before accepting any loan or financing offers, it’s important to research and find the most favourable terms. This ensures that your debts don’t overpower your savings efforts.

4. Create a debt repayment plan

If you have accumulated debt, devise a repayment plan. This may involve using budgeting tools or seeking professional help to create a manageable payoff strategy.

5. Make lifestyle adjustments

Small changes in daily habits, like energy-efficient home improvements or doing your laundry instead of using dry cleaners, can lead to significant savings over time.

6. Reconsider transportation costs

Evaluate your transportation needs. Opt for alternatives like biking to work, which can save on petrol, maintenance, and insurance costs.

7. Plan your meals

Reduce dining out by planning meals and preparing lunch for work. This not only saves money but also encourages healthier eating habits.

8. Review entertainment expenses

Evaluate your subscriptions and memberships. Keep only those that you frequently use and consider downgrading or eliminating others.

9. Understand income impact

Be aware of how income increases can lead to proportional increases in spending. As your income grows, focus on saving rather than increasing your expenditure.

The psychology of saving is complex, intertwining our behavioural tendencies with financial decision making. By understanding the psychological barriers and implementing practical saving strategies, you can train your brain to be more savings-oriented.

This shift in mindset, coupled with actionable steps, can substantially improve your financial health and savings over time.

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