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The future of retirement: Trends to watch

  • December 07 2023
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The future of retirement: Trends to watch

By Nicole Comendador
December 07 2023

As we look towards the future, the concept of retirement is evolving. No longer seen as a final destination, it’s now viewed as a dynamic phase of life, full of potential.

The future of retirement: Trends to watch

As we look towards the future, the concept of retirement is evolving. No longer seen as a final destination, it’s now viewed as a dynamic phase of life, full of potential.

Australians approaching retirement today are facing a landscape that’s vastly different from that of previous generations. Here are the trends shaping the future of retirement, offering both challenges and opportunities for those planning their golden years.

The future of retirement: Trends to watch

1. The rise of the ’gig’ retirement

The traditional view of retirement as a complete cessation of work is changing. Increasingly, retirees are turning to the gig economy to supplement their income, pursue passions, or simply stay active.

This piecemeal work can range from consultancy roles in their former industries to completely new ventures like driving for ride-sharing services or selling handmade goods online.


2. Longer life expectancies

Australians are living longer thanks to advances in healthcare and quality of life improvements. This means that retirement savings need to stretch further than ever before. A longer life expectancy also raises the importance of planning for potential healthcare costs and long-term care needs in later life.

the future of retirement trends to watch

3. The superannuation shift

Superannuation is the mainstay of Australian retirement planning. However, with volatile markets and the economic impact of global events, there is a growing need for individuals to become more engaged with their superannuation strategies.

We’re also seeing trends towards SMSFs, giving individuals more control over their retirement investments.

4. A focus on sustainable investing

There’s a growing trend among retirees to prefer investments that are not just financially sound but are also environmentally and socially responsible. Sustainable or ’green’ investing considers the ethical and environmental impact of investments, with many retirees wanting their money to contribute to a positive legacy.

5. The downsizing debate

The decision to downsize is becoming more complex. While the traditional path has been to move to smaller, more manageable properties, there is a trend towards ’rightsizing’ – finding a home that is the right fit for one’s lifestyle, which may not necessarily be smaller.

Moreover, with property prices in flux, the financial benefits of downsizing are not always as significant as they once were.

6. Healthcare technology and aged care innovation

Retirees in the future will have access to better healthcare technology, allowing for more independence. Innovations in telehealth, wearable health monitors, and smart home technology are enabling older Australians to maintain their health and live at home longer.

These advancements are also reshaping the aged care industry, with a shift towards more personalised and high-tech care solutions.

7. The changing face of retirement communities

Retirement communities are no longer just about providing a place to live. They’re becoming lifestyle communities, offering a range of activities and amenities to cater to a more active, engaged retiree. From fitness centres and education classes to travel clubs, these communities are responding to the desires of a new generation of retirees.

8. The impact of climate change

With climate change influencing weather patterns and natural disasters, the location of retirement homes is becoming a more significant consideration. Retirees are seeking out communities that are not only comfortable and convenient but also resilient to environmental changes.

9. International retirement living

Retiring abroad is an appealing option for some, offering a lower cost of living and a desirable lifestyle. While there are complexities around healthcare and superannuation when living overseas, technological advancements are making it easier to manage finances and stay connected with family from anywhere in the world.

10. Education and lifelong learning

Retirement is increasingly seen as an opportunity for further education and personal development. Universities and educational institutions are offering more opportunities for older Australians to engage in lifelong learning, whether for personal interest or to upskill for post-retirement work.


As we look to the future, retirement is set to be a phase of transformation and opportunity. With these trends in mind, individuals can better prepare for a retirement that’s not just about financial security, but also personal fulfilment and well-being.

By staying informed and adaptable, future retirees can plan for a retirement that reflects the changing times and their unique aspirations.

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