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Effective strategies to amplify your super before you retire

  • October 23 2023
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Effective strategies to amplify your super before you retire

By Nicole Comendador
October 23 2023

Planning for retirement is crucial, and a key element in this planning is your superannuation. A healthy super fund can mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and financial struggles during your golden years.

Effective strategies to amplify your super before you retire

Planning for retirement is crucial, and a key element in this planning is your superannuation. A healthy super fund can mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and financial struggles during your golden years.

Effective strategies to amplify your super before you retire

While the Australian superannuation system offers a reliable mechanism for retirement savings, many people wonder how to maximise these funds before they retire. Below are some strategic ways to boost your superannuation.

Make voluntary contributions

One of the simplest ways to boost your super balance is by making voluntary contributions. The Australian government allows concessional and non-concessional contributions:

Concessional contributions are deducted from your pre-tax income and are eligible for tax deductions. They are limited by an annual cap, which is currently set at $27,500.


Non-concessional contributions, on the other hand, are made using after-tax income. The yearly contribution limit is $110,000, but in specific circumstances, you have the option to contribute an amount equivalent to two years' worth of contributions.

Effective strategies to amplify your super before you retire

Utilise government co-contributions

If you are a low- or middle-income earner, you may be eligible for the government co-contribution scheme.

The government could contribute up to $500 annually to your super if you make non-concessional contributions and meet specific income conditions.

Take advantage of contribution splitting

Contribution splitting allows you to split your concessional contributions with your spouse.

This strategy could be beneficial for tax purposes and for equalising super balances between couples, especially if one partner takes time off work for caring responsibilities.

Salary sacrifice

This involves diverting part of your pre-tax salary directly into your super account. Not only does this increase your super balance, but it also reduces your taxable income.

However, the salary sacrificed amount and your employer’s contributions should not exceed the annual concessional contributions cap.

Investment choices

Most super funds offer a range of investment options, each with different risk profiles. While higher-risk options might offer greater returns, they also come with increased volatility.

Tailor your investments based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Spousal contributions

If your spouse is a low-income earner or not working, contributing to their super could benefit both of you. Not only does it help grow their super balance, but you might also be eligible for a tax offset.

Monitor and review

It’s essential to regularly monitor your super fund’s performance and review your investment choices. Many people set and forget their super, missing opportunities for maximising returns.

Roll multiple accounts into one

Having multiple super accounts means paying multiple sets of fees. Consider consolidating your super into one account to reduce fees and make it easier to manage your investments.

Seek professional advice

Given the complexities and constant changes in the superannuation landscape, consider seeking advice from a certified financial planner. They can offer tailored strategies to help you maximise your super.


While the Australian superannuation system offers a strong foundation for retirement savings, merely relying on employer contributions might not provide the comfortable retirement you seek.

Utilising a combination of these strategies can significantly amplify your super before retirement.


This article is intended for informational purposes and should not be considered as financial advice.

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