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Crafting your retirement planning spreadsheet in Australia

  • March 06 2024
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Crafting your retirement planning spreadsheet in Australia

By Nicole Comendador
March 06 2024

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of financial management, especially in Australia where the landscape of superannuation and investments offers unique opportunities and challenges. 

Crafting your retirement planning spreadsheet in Australia

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of financial management, especially in Australia where the landscape of superannuation and investments offers unique opportunities and challenges. 

crafting your retirement planning spreadsheet in Australia

A retirement planning spreadsheet is an invaluable tool for Australians looking to secure their financial future. This article guides you through the process of creating and using such a spreadsheet to track savings, investments, and retirement goals.

Understanding retirement planning in Australia

Before diving into the spreadsheet, it's important to understand the components of retirement planning in Australia.

The country's retirement system is built on three pillars: the Age Pension, compulsory super contributions made by employers, and voluntary personal savings and investments.


A well-structured retirement planning spreadsheet will help you navigate these elements, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your retirement strategy.

crafting your retirement planning spreadsheet in Australia

Creating your retirement planning spreadsheet

A retirement planning spreadsheet should be user-friendly yet comprehensive, including various sections that cover all aspects of your retirement planning. Here's how to get started:

1. Start with your goals: Define what you want your retirement to look like. How much income will you need annually? At what age do you plan to retire? These questions will set the foundation for your spreadsheet.

2. Incorporate income sources: List all potential retirement income sources, including the Age Pension, super, rental income, dividends, and any other investments. For super and investments, use current balances and project future growth based on realistic return rates.

3. Calculate expenses: Estimate your retirement expenses, categorising them into essentials (housing, food, healthcare) and non-essentials (travel, hobbies). Adjust for inflation to ensure your estimates remain relevant over time.

4. Track savings and investments: Create a section to regularly update your savings and investment balances. This will help you monitor progress towards your goals and adjust your strategy as needed.

5. Consider tax implications: Understand the tax implications of your investments and savings strategies, particularly how they affect your super and potential Age Pension benefits. Incorporate tax considerations into your projections.

6. Scenario analysis: Implement different scenarios, such as changes in return rates or unexpected expenses, to test the resilience of your retirement plan.

7. Review and update regularly: Your retirement planning spreadsheet is a living document. Regular reviews and updates are essential to reflect changes in your financial situation, market conditions, and legislation.

Using your retirement planning spreadsheet

The true value of your retirement planning spreadsheet lies in its use. It should not only serve as a tracker but as a tool for making informed financial decisions. Here are some tips for maximising its utility:

- Schedule quarterly or bi-annual reviews of your spreadsheet to adjust your contributions, investment choices, and retirement goals as necessary.
- Incorporate charts and graphs to visualise your progress towards your goals. This can be motivational and help identify trends.
- While a DIY retirement spreadsheet is a great start, consulting with a financial adviser can provide personalised advice tailored to your specific situation.


A retirement planning spreadsheet is more than just a tracking tool; it's a roadmap to achieving your retirement goals.

By systematically organising your financial life, you can make informed decisions that bring you closer to the retirement you envision. Remember, the key to successful retirement planning is not just in the planning itself, but in the ongoing management and adjustment of that plan.

With the right approach and tools at your disposal, including a detailed retirement planning spreadsheet, you can navigate the complexities of retirement planning in Australia with confidence.

For further information on retirement planning and financial management, resources such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's MoneySmart website offer valuable insights and tools to assist Australians in their financial journey.

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