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Impact of inflation on Australian investments: What you need to know

  • October 26 2023
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Impact of inflation on Australian investments: What you need to know

By Nicole Comendador
October 26 2023

Inflation is often touted as the silent enemy of investors. While it’s a normal part of most economies, unchecked inflation can erode the real value of your investments over time.

Impact of inflation on Australian investments: What you need to know

Inflation is often touted as the silent enemy of investors. While it’s a normal part of most economies, unchecked inflation can erode the real value of your investments over time.

As Australian investors grapple with this economic phenomenon, understanding its impact is crucial for safeguarding long-term financial goals. This article unpacks the intricacies of inflation and its effects on different types of investments.

What is inflation?

Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time, resulting in reduced purchasing power. Measured as an annual percentage increase, inflation impacts everything from your daily groceries to your long-term investments.

Inflation is caused by a variety of factors, but one of the primary drivers is the increase in the money supply. When there is more money circulating in the economy, people have more purchasing power, which leads to an increase in demand for goods and services. As demand increases, producers and sellers can raise their prices, resulting in inflation.


How does inflation affect investments?

The real return on an investment is its nominal return minus the rate of inflation. Even if an investment offers a 5 per cent annual return, a 2 per cent inflation rate will reduce the real return to just 3 per cent.

impact of inflation on australian investments what you need to know

Inflation diminishes the value of future payments from bonds and other fixed-income securities. This makes them less attractive during high-inflation periods.

Companies may face increased costs due to inflation, affecting their profitability and, consequently, their stock prices. However, some companies can pass on these costs to consumers, which can protect their profit margins.

Tangible assets like real estate and commodities often serve as a hedge against inflation.

Investment strategies to counteract inflation

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are government-issued bonds specifically designed to safeguard against inflation. They achieve this by adjusting the principal amount in accordance with the prevailing inflation rates.

Real Estate is traditionally considered a strong hedge against inflation. This is due to the fact that property values and rents tend to rise during periods of high inflation, making real estate investment an attractive option.

Stocks with Pricing Power are those held by companies capable of passing on increased costs to consumers without losing market share. Such companies are generally well-positioned to endure inflationary pressures.

Commodities, including assets like gold and oil, often exhibit strong performance during inflationary periods. Investors often turn to these commodities as a means of preserving value in their portfolios.

Diversification is a key strategy for mitigating the adverse effects of inflation. A well-diversified portfolio, comprising a mix of different asset classes, can help protect your investments from the eroding effects of inflation.

Tips for Australian investors

It's essential to be proactive in managing your investments. Rather than waiting for inflation to spike, consistently assess the inflation risks within your portfolio.

When crafting your investment approach, prioritize the long term. Don't be swayed by short-term fluctuations; stick to your established long-term investment strategy.

Seek the expertise of a financial adviser to navigate your investment journey effectively. Professional guidance can assist you in tailoring a strategy that takes into account inflation risks while aligning with your specific financial objectives.


Inflation is an inevitable part of the economic cycle, but it doesn’t have to spell doom for your investment portfolio.

By understanding the dynamics of inflation and employing strategies to counteract its effects, Australian investors can better protect their financial futures.

By staying informed and proactive, Australian investors can strategically navigate the choppy waters of inflation, ensuring their investment portfolios remain robust and geared for long-term success.


This article is intended for informational purposes and should not be considered as financial advice. Consult a financial adviser for personalised advice to suit your individual circumstances.

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