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nestegg’s most commonly searched questions in 2019

  • December 23 2019
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nestegg’s most commonly searched questions in 2019

By Grace Ormsby
December 23 2019

Here at nestegg, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Australians find the financial answers they are looking for.

nestegg’s most commonly searched questions in 2019

Here at nestegg, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Australians find the financial answers they are looking for.

Based on our data, we were able to see exactly what questions our audience most wanted the answers to in 2019.

Have you ever wondered about any of the following?

  1. How do I protect money in a divorce?

It seems slightly unfortunate that this one made the top five most read questions that became an article on nestegg in 2019, but it’s no less important.


And as the article says, “it might seem like a pessimistic and unromantic view of marriage, but divorce can happen to anyone regardless of age, race, sex, length and intensity of a couple’s relationship prior to marriage”.

Most commonly searched questions in 2019
  1. How are ETFs taxed?

An old article but a good one, Stockspot’s CEO and founder Chris Brycki gave a comprehensive rundown on ETFs and how they are taxed back in 2016 when they first became more accessible to the average investor.

With a run down of the top five things for an investor to consider regarding ETF tax, it’s a mainstay and endearingly popular for nestegg readers looking to diversify their investments.

  1. What’s the difference between a resident and non-resident for tax purposes?

The Australian Tax Office taxes individuals differently depending on their residency status – but the difference can be confusing.

To clear things up, we’ve outlined the different tests that are used by the ATO to determine residency as well as how they are applied.

  1. What are franking credits?

Considering the divisive role franking credits played in the discourse of the 2019 federal election, it’s no surprise this was nestegg’s second-most researched question over the last 12 months.

Considering the fact that Scott Morrison went on to win the election and keep franking credits as a policy-based mainstay, it’ll no doubt still be a question asked by avid investors well into 2020.

    1. What is wealthy in Australia?

It can be hard work keeping up with the Joneses!

But in all serious – how do we measure wealth in Australia? Is it income? Assets? Property?

In this article from 2018, a number of experts weighed in – and their answers might surprise you.

You might even be left with more questions than you started with! 

Got a question that you can’t find the answer to? Let us know https://www.nestegg.com.au/contact-nestegg and we’ll write all about it in 2020!



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About the author

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Grace is a journalist on Momentum Media's nestegg. She enjoys being able to provide easy to digest information and practical tips for Australians with regard to their wealth, as well as having a platform on which to engage leading experts and commentators and leverage their insight.

About the author

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Grace Ormsby

Grace is a journalist on Momentum Media's nestegg. She enjoys being able to provide easy to digest information and practical tips for Australians with regard to their wealth, as well as having a platform on which to engage leading experts and commentators and leverage their insight.

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