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Embrace quality fundamentals to navigate economic turbulence

By Newsdesk
  • December 06 2023
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Embrace quality fundamentals to navigate economic turbulence

By Newsdesk
December 06 2023

In the face of potential economic challenges, ECP Asset Management's portfolio manager and ESG head, Jason Pohl, has underscored the importance of high-quality companies with strong fundamentals when it comes to withstanding market volatility and a potential recession.

Embrace quality fundamentals to navigate economic turbulence

In the face of potential economic challenges, ECP Asset Management's portfolio manager and ESG head, Jason Pohl, has underscored the importance of high-quality companies with strong fundamentals when it comes to withstanding market volatility and a potential recession.

Embrace quality fundamentals to navigate economic turbulence

Pohl advises that businesses in Australia and abroad should concentrate on building robustness to navigate through high inflation, tight labour markets, and declining consumer demand.

"With the spectre of a recession looming, companies in Australia and globally should be focusing on building resilience in the face of escalating costs, high inflation, tight labour markets, and dwindling consumer demand," stated Pohl, emphasizing the need for strategic fortitude. "Meeting these challenges head on will ensure competitive excellence through these cycles and provide a higher chance of emerging successful on the other side."

Pohl further suggests that rather than being deterred by flat or falling growth, investors ought to seek out enterprises that are strategically positioning themselves for expansion beyond short-term disruptions. "Identifying companies with clean balance sheets, loyal customer bases, and management teams that understand their value proposition and competitive advantage is really important," said Pohl. He identifies these characteristics as critical in the current market, which is expected to experience turbulence.


Amidst these market conditions, Pohl recommends companies make the most of the downturn by reinvesting in enhancing their business efficiency and productivity, which are essential for sustained success. "This period should be used to re-evaluate the business model including the current processes and systems in place," he mentioned, encouraging businesses to optimise their current workforce and potentially adopt new systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to streamline operations and reduce expenses.

Embrace quality fundamentals to navigate economic turbulence

PWR Cooling, an Australian listed automotive cooling firm, is highlighted by Pohl as a company that embodies the sorts of attributes necessary to reinvest in systems and processes that will deliver long-term benefits. "PWR is focused on its niche core competency, continually reinforcing its competitive advantage, and growing its economic footprint sustainably over the long term," Pohl illustrated.

Pohl appreciates PWR's proactive strategy in securing aerospace, military contracts and in probing into the electric vehicle cooling market, despite its challenges in sourcing skilled labor. Innovative workforce training programs he noted, have been a solution to improve labor retention.

"Over the next two to three years, we believe there will be a lot of opportunity for PWR because of its ability to reinvest and stand out in these times of volatility,” Pohl asserted, expressing confidence in the company's future amidst uncertain economic conditions.

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