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The smart borrower’s guide to managing personal loans

  • November 29 2023
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The smart borrower’s guide to managing personal loans

By Nicole Comendador
November 29 2023

Personal loans can be a strategic tool for managing finances, whether consolidating debt, financing a large purchase, or covering unexpected expenses. However, borrowing money comes with the responsibility of timely repayments and the cost of interest.

The smart borrower’s guide to managing personal loans

Personal loans can be a strategic tool for managing finances, whether consolidating debt, financing a large purchase, or covering unexpected expenses. However, borrowing money comes with the responsibility of timely repayments and the cost of interest.

As such, it is crucial to manage personal loans smartly to avoid financial strain. Here’s a comprehensive guide for the savvy Australian borrower on how to manage personal loans effectively.

The smart borrower’s guide to managing personal loans

Understand your loan

The first step in managing a personal loan is to fully understand its terms. Be clear on the interest rate, whether it is fixed or variable, the term of the loan, and any fees or penalties associated with early repayment or missed payments. Read the fine print and ask your lender to clarify any points that are not clear to you.

Budget wisely

To manage a personal loan effectively, incorporate the repayment amount into your budget. This ensures you have a clear picture of your financial commitments and helps prevent overspending. A well-structured budget accounts for your income, fixed expenses, savings, and loan repayments.


Timely repayments

Making loan repayments on time is essential. Late payments can result in additional fees and negatively impact your credit score. Set up direct debits or automatic transfers from your bank account to ensure you never miss a payment.

the smart borrower s guide to managing personal loans

Pay more than the minimum

If your budget allows, paying more than the minimum repayment can reduce the amount of interest you pay over the life of the loan and shorten the loan term. Even small additional repayments can make a significant difference.

Monitor interest rates

Keep an eye on interest rates, especially if you have a variable rate loan. If rates fall, you may end up paying less interest, which could allow you to pay off the loan faster. Conversely, if rates rise, be prepared to adjust your budget to cover the increase.

Use windfalls wisely

If you receive a financial windfall, such as a tax refund, bonus, or inheritance, consider making a lump-sum repayment on your loan. This can dramatically reduce the principal amount owed and thus the interest, as well as shorten the loan term.

Avoid additional debt

While you have a personal loan, it’s wise to avoid taking on additional debt that can strain your finances. Focus on repaying what you currently owe before committing to any other significant financial obligations.

Refinance if necessary

If you find a lender offering a lower interest rate, or if your financial situation has improved since you took out the loan, refinancing could save you money. However, be mindful of any fees involved in closing your current loan and opening a new one.

Stay in communication with your lender

If you’re having trouble making repayments due to a change in your financial circumstances, contact your lender as soon as possible. Most lenders will prefer to work with you to adjust your repayment plan rather than see you default on the loan.

Regularly review your loan

Periodically review your loan and your financial situation. You may find opportunities to adjust your repayments or even pay off the loan entirely without penalty, saving you money on interest.


Effectively managing a personal loan requires diligence, budgeting, and an ongoing assessment of your financial situation. By understanding your loan, making timely repayments, and staying on top of interest rates, you can control your debt rather than let it control you.

Smart management of personal loans can contribute to a healthier financial future, providing peace of mind and financial freedom. Remember, when managed wisely, personal loans can be a helpful financial tool rather than a burden.

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